Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Acen 2013

Sup whoever reads this blog thing. Acen just happened this weekend met some chill people here and there lots of people cosplaying overall fun times. Surprisingly no crazy story for me to tell even though there has been interesting stuff to tell for previous years this one was a bit lacking in that department unless Acen almost becoming overrun with Homestuck fans... if you would even consider that shocking in the least.

Friday's Hardcore Synergy (Rave) was amazing with Masayoshi Minoshima stealing the show and making his first U.S. appearance (the guy who did the bad apple remix /w vocals). Sadly I missed the Kalafina concert and many other things due to a lack of funds to invest during the weekend.

Saturday was also another O.K. day since I missed the concert Yukino had although I heard there were some technical problems going on. I also went in late for the masquerade so a few things were missed :(
The Soap Bubble line wasn't as crazy as previous years but then again I was near the front and the rowdy stuff tends to happen outside and the rave was slow to start in my opinion since I'm more of a fan of Hardstyle and that didn't come on until about 3 a.m.

Sunday was missed yet again that's 9 years in a row for me always to tired from partying on Friday and Saturday I really have to stop doing that since I do want to attend the Sunday closing ceremonies and other events.

Wish I could've have done alot more this year to share with any of the people that read my stuff and what not but oh well. Here is to next year hoping it will be the best since after 10 years finally worked out what to cosplay hah...

Here is a link to the photos I took via Imgur take a look if you're interested http://imgur.com/a/fkfRI

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