A boy named Satou You wakes up on the floor of a supermarket all bloody he doesn't remember anything from that night. The next day he meets Oshiori our perverted yaoi enthusiast that claims to know Satou but being the protagonist he remembers nothing queue starter hook. Later that day he meets "The Ice Witch" who tells him not to return to the supermarket. Humans tend to be dumb and like the saying goes curiosity killed the cat the cat being Satou who then learns about the half priced bento fights. People gather at the market dubbed either dogs or wolves depending on their skill. Satou fights and finds out that "The Ice Witch" is the one that knocked him out cold last time and the usual plot ensues he attempts to win half priced bentos and eventually become a wolf and stopping people that break the rules of the "battlefield" for their own gains.
For starters this my first review and a review strictly on the anime with no previous information on the manga version.
Now here is where I cant come to terms about something why would teens fight each other and even come near death for half priced bento, is the economy that bad in japan that high school students that live alone cant make ends meet and have to go through this? Probably not and its just for the story but what do I know right, so take the question as you will.
The fan service is minimal and more to be desired for if you're looking for that in this anime even though there is yuri and yaoi influences. You have the usual cleavage, girl on girl groping, and random boob jiggles. We have the usual perverted chick (Oshiori) who happens to be into yaoi and her senior Shiraume who happens to be the yuri to our yaoi.
Enter the love triangle Satou's cousin Shaga who comes onto him strongly too strong to a point where she cried wolf too many times and he just brushed it off as an act.
Satou who (is implied) likes Yaruzui he never says it but he stares at her a lot and near the end he goes to her apartment and tends to her while she is sick and leaves a note ending with "sick people have the right to be pampered by others."
It's hard to tell who Yaruzui likes even though she shows concern for Satou and is shown blushing when he shows up to her apartment but then again she is blushing the whole time cause of the fever. There was a random cameo of what seemed to be The Wizard her senpai at an airport cut to a plane flying overhead of Yaruzui and she looks up. Side note: wtf was the point of showing that?
This is a usual 12 episode anime but to me it feels rushed many missed chances at more character development.
For example early on they show a glimpse of a previous wolf The Wizard which apparently was Yaruzui's senior and helped Satou win his first bento and that was it no more back story to him one and done. It's somewhat implied just vaguely that The Wizard and The Ice Witch might of had a romance but its never explored.
Three minor characters are introduced The brunette, Goatee, and Monk which personally I wished they added a bit of back story to them and gave the brunette a face.
Overall Bento is a pretty good anime the fight scenes are phenomenal, the story is hit or miss depending on your taste. Personally it was a miss, they could have been fighting for anything else and I would've felt the same about the show. The first main villain is kind of silly and forgettable when you think about it and the second one feels like they randomly threw them in added a pinch of humor and fan service to fill the need and presto.
Although some of the characters are somewhat forgettable and wont leave a huge impact the two main morals left behind are pretty good. Number one being fighting for your dreams or something you want feels much better than just taking a cheap route into attaining it. The Second moral being if you defeat everyone around or just go around acting high and mighty people will avoid you. If you defeat everyone and mock them they will be scared to try to get near you and who else is left to try and take you down.
The fan service is ok nothing extraordinary like Queens Blade or To-LOVE-ru and when it comes to the comedy there really aren't too many laugh out loud moments I found myself chuckling about once or twice.
Rating: 2/5 for me not something to put high on a priority list if you don't get around it you won't miss out on much. Bento just felt way too short for its own good if anything watch it for the fight scenes.
Here is a video I found that sums it up if you don't want to watch all 12 episodes.